About Us
Dairy Farmers of Prince Edward Island (DFPEI) is the marketing organization for all PEI dairy producers. It is established under the Natural Products Marketing Act to regulate and administer the Dairy Industry in Prince Edward Island. Dairy Farmers of Prince Edward Island receives its authority through an Order in Council from the provincial government.
The Board is comprised of nine milk producers elected to represent the two districts defined under the Dairy Farmers of Prince Edward Island Regulations. Three milk producers are elected to represent each of the Western and Eastern districts, and three milk producers are elected to the Board at large. New directors are elected in January or February and assume their positions in April following the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Producers are elected to the Board for a period of three years.
The Board elects its executive from within the Board membership. These appointments are held for a period of one year.
In addition to the Board members, there are two milk producers elected from each district to represent their members on the District Milk Committee.
Our staff are dedicated to helping our farms and community enjoy amazing dairy products from Prince Edward Island.
Supply Management
Dairy Farmers of PEI participates in a supply managed dairy system which was developed in the early 1970’s. Supply management focuses on achieving the most accurate balance between supply and demand.

Board members represent producers on other provincial
and national boards and committees, including:
- Canadian Milk Supply Management Committee
- P5 Supervisory Body
- Dairy Farmers of Canada
- School Milk Foundation
- Maritime Quality Milk Advisory Committee
- ADAPT Council
- Valacta Advisory
- Emergency Management Planning
- Farm Centre
- PEI Federation of Agriculture
- PEI Agriculture Sector Council
- Deadstock
- Cattle Producers of PEI
- PEIFA Environment Committee
- Dairy Industry Transition & Strategic Planning
- Atlantic Dairy Research Council
Committees of the Board are normally composed of DFPEI Directors, District Milk Committee members, DFPEI Staff, and other dairy industry stakeholders and include:
- DFPEI Executive
- Dairy Industry Working Group
- Farms Practices & ProAction Advisory
- Canadian Quality Milk Advisory
- Producer Relations
- Quality
- Market Development
- Research